Ford Fusion Power Steering Assist Fault: Diagnosis and Resolution

Power steering assist fault in your Ford Fusion can be a real headache, making every turn a struggle and every maneuver a challenge. But fear not, this guide is here to help you diagnose and resolve this issue, ensuring a smooth and comfortable driving experience.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of power steering and get that Ford Fusion back on the road with ease!

ford fusion power steering assist service notice

Understanding Power Steering Assist

Power steering has come a long way since its inception in 1876, evolving from a luxury to a standard feature in modern vehicles, including the Ford Fusion. It utilizes a combination of hydraulic pumps and electrical systems to make steering easier and more responsive, allowing for effortless maneuverability and enhanced driving comfort.

How it Works

The power steering system in modern vehicles, like the Ford Fusion, employs sensors to detect the force applied to the steering wheel. The onboard computer then determines the level of assistance required, utilizing an electric pump to provide the necessary support, making turns and maneuvers smooth and effortless.

Causes of Power Steering Assist Fault

Electrical Malfunctions

Electrical systems play a pivotal role in power steering. Faults in these systems, such as a defective electrical pump, can lead to steering problems. A quick diagnosis can be made using an OBD2 scanner, which can pinpoint the exact problem, whether it’s due to worn components, contaminated fuel, or other electrical faults.

Faulty Electric Power Steering Fuse:

A fuse acts as a safety device that interrupts the power supply in case of overload, protecting the system from damage. If the electric power steering fuse is faulty, it can disrupt the power flow to the steering system, leading to the display of the warning message. Replacing the faulty fuse can usually resolve this issue, restoring normal functionality to the power steering system.

Broken Steering Vacuum Line:

The steering vacuum line is crucial for maintaining the power assist in the steering system. A break or leak in this line can lead to a loss of power assist, making steering more difficult and triggering the warning. Identifying and repairing the broken line is essential to regain the proper functioning of the steering system.

Low Power Steering Fluid Levels

Maintaining adequate hydraulic fluid levels is essential for the optimal functioning of the hydraulic power steering system. A significant drop in fluid levels can lead to steering difficulties and potential damage to other steering system components.

Contaminated Hydraulic Fluid

Hydraulic fluid contamination can increase friction between parts and clog the steering system, leading to pump failure. Regularly refilling hydraulic oil at recommended intervals is crucial to prevent contamination and subsequent damage to the system.

Damaged Steering Rack:

The steering rack is a core component of the steering system, facilitating the turning of the wheels. Damage to the steering rack can severely impact the vehicle’s steering capability and activate the warning. A thorough inspection and, if necessary, replacement of the steering rack are crucial to maintaining steering precision and safety.

Solutions and Repairs

Check if the Model is Recalled by Form

There are some Ford Fusion models that came with power steering fault right from the manufacturing facility which were recalled by the Ford. Find out if your model is one of those. If it is, you are in luck. You can have your vehicle repaired without cost from Ford service centers.

Diagnostic Procedures

Utilizing OBD2 scanners and manual inspections of electrical and hydraulic systems are vital for accurate diagnosis of power steering assist faults. Correctly identifying the problem is the first step towards providing the right solution and preventing further damage to the system.

Addressing Electrical Malfunctions & Fuse

Resetting the vehicle’s electrical system and repairing or replacing faulty components can resolve electrical malfunctions. If the warning light or electrical components associated with the steering system are faulty, restarting the car may temporarily solve the problem, but a visit to the mechanic is advised for a permanent solution.

In case the fuse is blown, a replacement fuse with proper amp rating should solve the issue.

Resolving Issues with Low Power Steering Fluid

Checking and refilling fluid levels and repairing leaks are essential steps in resolving issues related to low power steering fluid. Immediate action is necessary when the warning light appears on the dashboard to prevent more severe problems in the steering system.

Dealing with Contaminated Hydraulic Fluid

Flushing and replacing contaminated fluid and preventing future contamination are crucial steps in dealing with contaminated hydraulic fluid. Regular checks and immediate action upon noticing any particles in the fluid can prevent damage to the system.

What Should You Do if the Power Steering Assist Fault Warning Comes On?

When confronted with this warning, immediate action is paramount. Start by safely pulling over to avoid any accidents due to potential loss of steering control.

Once secure, assess the steering’s responsiveness. If steering is notably difficult, it’s best to avoid driving further to prevent any mishaps.

Seek professional assistance to diagnose and address the underlying issue accurately. Regular maintenance checks can also preemptively identify and resolve potential problems before they escalate.

Can You Drive Your Fusion with a Power Steering Assist Fault?

Driving with a power steering assist fault is akin to navigating turbulent waters in a storm; it’s risky and strenuous.

The loss of power assist can make steering laborious and unresponsive, especially at lower speeds, compromising your control over the vehicle. While it might be technically possible to drive short distances with this fault, it is highly inadvisable.

The risk of accidents due to reduced steering control far outweighs the convenience of reaching your destination. Prioritize safety and seek immediate professional intervention to rectify the fault before resuming your journey.

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